Fast On ‘Ashura In The Light Of Hadith
1) Narrated ‘Aisha: The people used to fast on ‘Ashura (the tenth day of the month of muharram) before the fasting of Ramadan was made obligatory. And on that day the Ka’ba used to be covered with a cover. When Allah made the fasting of the month of Ramadan compulsory, Allah’s Apostle said, “Whoever wishes to fast (on the day of ‘Ashura’) may do so; and whoever wishes to leave it can do so.”
(Book #26, Hadith #662)
(2) Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: The Prophet observed the fast on the 10th of muharram (‘Ashura), and ordered (Muslims) to fast on that day, but when the fasting of the month of Ramadan was prescribed, the fasting of the ‘Ashura’ was abandoned. ‘Abdullah did not use to fast on that day unless it coincided with his routine fasting by chance. (Book #31, Hadith #116)
(3) Narrated Salama bin Al-Akwa: Once the Prophet ordered a person on ‘Ashura’ (the tenth of muharram) to announce, “Whoever has eaten, should not eat any more, but fast, and who has not eaten should not eat, but complete his fast (till the end of the day). (Book #31, Hadith #147)
(4) Narrated Ar-Rubi’ bint Mu’awadh: “The Prophet sent a messenger to the village of the Ansar in the morning of the day of ‘Ashura’ (10th of muharram) to announce: ‘Whoever has eaten something should not eat but complete the fast, and whoever is observing the fast should complete it.’ “She further said, “Since then we used to fast on that day regularly and also make our boys fast. We used to make toys of wool for the boys and if anyone of them cried for, he was given those toys till it was the time of the breaking of the fast.” (Book #31, Hadith #181)
(5) Narrated Abu Bakra: The Prophet said. “(The division of time has turned to its original form which was current when Allah created the Heavens and the Earths. The year is of twelve months, out of which four months are sacred: Three are in succession Dhul-Qa’ da, Dhul-Hijja and muharram, and (the fourth is) Rajab of (the tribe of) Mudar which comes between Jumadi-ath-Thaniyah and Sha ban.” (Book #54, Hadith #419)
(6) Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: When the Prophet came to Medina, he found (the Jews) fasting on the day of ‘Ashura’ (i.e. 10th of muharram). They used to say: “This is a great day on which Allah saved Moses and drowned the folk of Pharaoh. Moses observed the fast on this day, as a sign of gratitude to Allah.” The Prophet said, “I am closer to Moses than they.” So, he observed the fast (on that day) and ordered the Muslims to fast on it. (Book #55, Hadith #609)
(7) Narrated ‘Aisha: ‘Ashura’ (i.e. the tenth of muharram) was a day on which the tribe of Quraish used to fast in the pre-lslamic period of ignorance. The Prophet also used to fast on this day. So when he migrated to Medina, he fasted on it and ordered (the Muslims) to fast on it. When the fasting of Ramadan was enjoined, it became optional for the people to fast or not to fast on the day of Ashura. (Book #58, Hadith #172)
(8) Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: The people used to consider the performance of ‘Umra in the months of Hajj an evil deed on the earth, and they used to call the month of muharram as Safar and used to say, “When (the wounds over) the backs (of the camels) have healed and the foot-marks (of the camels) have vanished (after coming from Hajj), then ‘Umra becomes legal for the one who wants to perform ‘Umra.” Allah’s Apostle and his companions reached Mecca assuming Ihram for Hajj on the fourth of Dhul-Hijja. The Prophet ordered his companions to perform ‘Umra (with that lhram instead of Hajj). They asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What kind of finishing of Ihram?” The Prophet said, “Finish the Ihram completely.’ (Book #58, Hadith #173)
(9) Narrated Abu Musa: When the Prophet arrived at Medina, he noticed that some people among the Jews used to respect Ashura’ (i.e. 10th of muharram) and fast on it. The Prophet then said, “We have more right to observe fast on this day.” and ordered that fasting should be observed on it.
(Book #58, Hadith #278)
(10) Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: Fasting was observed on the day of ‘Ashura’ (i.e. 10th of muharram) by the people of the Pre-lslamic Period. But when (the order of compulsory fasting) in the month of Ramadan was revealed, the Prophet said, “It is up to one to fast on it (i.e. day of ‘Ashura’) or not.”
(Book #60, Hadith #28)
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