Quran (English)

Nine Sunnah To Follow On The First Ten Days Of Dhul-Hijjah

Nine Sunnah To Follow On The First Ten Days Of Dhul-Hijjah The first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are the most virtuous days of the year, in which Allah (swt) has blessed his Ummah with opportunities to multiply their rewards through His infinite mercy. These days are so sacred that Allah swears an oath by them:‘By… More »

The Sacred Masjid Was Built First

The Sacred Masjid Was Built First On the authority of Abu Dharr (ra) who said, ’I said, “O Messenger of Allah, which masjid was built first?” He said, “The Sacred Masjid (al-Masjid al-Haram in Makkah)“. I said, “And then which one?” He said, “And then the Furthest Masjid (al-Masjid al-Aqsa in al-Quds)“. I said, “What… More »

Is Depression A Sign Of Weak Iman | In The Light Of Quran And Hadith

Is Depression A Sign Of Weak Iman | In The Light Of Quran And Hadith ‘Depression is the sign of weak faith (Iman)’ or ‘A strong Muslim is never depressed’ is something which we Muslims have heard many times. Many Muslims mistakenly believe that depression is a sign of weak Iman. The argument goes as… More »

Remind The Heedless Believer To Turn Back To His Lord

Remind The Heedless Believer To Turn Back To His Lord Indeed in that is a sign for the believers. بے شک اس میں مومنوں کے لیے نشانی ہے۔ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَةً لِّلْمُؤْمِنِين [Quran 15:77] Indeed in that is a sign for those who fear the punishment of the Hereafter. That is a Day for… More »

Dua Asking Allah To Grant You A Child

Dua Asking Allah To Grant You A Child O my Lord! Grant me from You, a good offspring. You are indeed the All-Hearer of invocation. Rabbi Hab Lee Mil Ladunka D’urriyyatan T’ayyibah Innaka Samee-u’d Du’aa اے میرے رب! مجھے اپنی طرف سے نیک اولاد عطا فرما۔ بے شک تو دعا کو سننے والا ہے۔ رَبِّ… More »

Dua Remembrance After Prayer

Dua Remembrance After Prayer ذَا الْجَلَالِ وَالإِكْرَامِ . Astaghfirul-lah (three times) Allahumma antas-salam waminkas-salam, tabarakta ya thal-jalali wal-ikram. I ask Allah for forgiveness.(three times) O Allah, You are As-Salam and from You is all peace, blessed are You, O Possessor of majesty and honour.’ AS-Salam: The One Who is free from all defects and deficiencies.… More »

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