Forbade Fasting On These Two Days, The Day Of Fitr And The Day Of Adha

Forbade Fasting On These Two Days, The Day Of Fitr And The Day Of Adha

Forbade Fasting On These Two Days, The Day Of Fitr And The Day Of Adha

Narrated/Authority of Abu Ubaid
“I was present for Eid with Umar bin Khattab. He started with the prayer before the sermon, and said: ‘The Messenger of Allah (saw) forbade fasting on these two days, the Day of Fitr and the Day of Adha. As for the Day of Fitr, it is the day when you break your fast, and on the Day of Adha you eat the meat of your sacrifices.

Reference : Sunan Ibn Majah. Chapter 9,Hadith No: 1722

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